
About Asteroid Credit

The Best Credit In The Universe

Asteroid Credit is the future of credit. Traditionally, credit allows you to purchase goods and services now and pay for them later. Asteroid Credit takes a different approach. Here, you pre-load your account with a unique digital credit called Asteroids, and this is the credit symbol "∆". These ∆ Asteroids become your key to unlocking a world of exclusive savings within our vibrant online and offline community. Think of it like a special membership program fueled by your participation. The more you engage with our community, the more opportunities you'll have to acquire ∆ Asteroids. Imagine earning ∆ Asteroids through engagement, contests, referrals, or even by simply being an active member. Once you have them, you can use them to unlock significant savings on a wide selection of products and services offered by us or our participating businesses. We will even allow you or your business to use your ∆ Asteroids to advertise with us in our ecosystem. This is where Asteroid Credit is headed. Imagine a platform where users earn credits for their contributions or engagement, which can be used for various purposes within the platform or even exchanged for real-world value. This is where Asteroid Credit is going and will be engraved in an ecosystem called Asteroid World, so get your credit ready. Unlike traditional cash, ∆ Asteroids hold value specifically within our thriving ecosystem. This means they offer a unique savings advantage you won't find anywhere else. We partner with businesses and people to bring you these exclusive discounts, ensuring a win-win situation for both you and our partners. Businesses benefit from increased customer engagement, while you gain access to valuable savings on the things you love. While more earning opportunities are coming soon, you can still get started and unlock a world of exclusive savings today. Sign up, load your account with ∆ Asteroids, and experience the power of a thriving community where your participation is rewarded. The future of savings is here, and Asteroid Credit puts you at the center of it all.

Trending Credit
Secure and Safe
Stable Credit System
Your Digital Credit Asteroids

Asteroid Credit

∆ Asteroids the only credit you will ever need

How to Get Started with Asteroid Credit

To get started with Asteroid Credit, simply create an account on our website and start earning and spending credits. You can earn credits by donating to us, receiving them from someone else, earning them through our social networks, selling your goods or services, trade goods or services with us. We accept a wide range of items, including gold, silver, land, property, real estate, products, services, cars, boats, jewelry, and even trading cryptocurrency for credits. Once you have credits, you can spend them at Asteroid World and other participating places.

Worldwide Access

Connect to Asteroid Credit anywhere around the world using our blockchain technology with our unique credits called ∆ Asteroids. We provide universal access to a centralized online marketplace for users worldwide. It provides a secure and transparent platform for individuals.

Anywhere Anytime

Thanks to our technology and digital credit system, transactions can take place "at any location and any moment." As a centralized online platform, Asteroid Credit makes it possible to access it 24/7, fostering an inclusive and globally accessible marketplace accessible to anyone with an internet connection

Super Fast

Asteroid Credit offers users a swift and effective platform. Operating as a centralized online marketplace powered by blockchain technology, it ensures a secure and efficient user experience, enabling rapid and effortless utilization of our services.

Next Trend

Asteroid Credit is at the forefront of the next trend in the online marketplace industry due to its utilization of blockchain technology for digital credit transactions. The integration of a its own social network aspect could potentially redefine the way we engage with and utilize credit worldwide.

Extreme Security

The platform introduces its safe distinctive digital credit, known as "∆ Asteroids" Asteroid Credit is a standalone online marketplace renowned for its superior security measures and transparency, all powered by cutting-edge blockchain technology.

Recession Proof

Asteroid Credit remains resilient against economic downturns as its blockchain-powered marketplace facilitates secure and transparent transactions with digital credits, ensuring independence from conventional financial institutions and enabling uninterrupted operation in times of financial instability. Trust Asteroid Credit not inflated paper currency.

Asteroid Credit Timeline.

Eight year innovation plan to shape the future of digital credit.



Complete platform development, including the blockchain credit system, social network, and online marketplace. Establish partnerships with businesses and organizations in the Asteroid Credit ecosystem. Build a community of early adopters and supporters. Conduct marketing and promotional campaigns to raise awareness of Asteroid Credit.


(Year 1)

Launch the Asteroid Credit platform and begin offering credit to users. Expand the Asteroid Credit ecosystem by partnering with more businesses and organizations. Grow the Asteroid Credit community through social media, marketing campaigns, and community events. Begin developing and implementing new features and functionality for the Asteroid Credit platform.


(Year 2)

Continue to expand the Asteroid Credit ecosystem and community. Launch new features and functionality for the Asteroid Credit platform, such as the ability to purchase advertising in Asteroid World and unlock higher memberships. Begin exploring opportunities to expand the Asteroid Credit platform to new markets and regions.


(Year 3)

Continue to grow and expand the Asteroid Credit platform. Launch new products and services that leverage the Asteroid Credit blockchain and credit system. Establish Asteroid Credit as a leading player in the digital credit industry.


(Year 4)

Continue to expand the Asteroid Credit ecosystem and community globally. Launch new products and services that leverage the Asteroid Credit blockchain and credit system in new and innovative ways. Become the go-to platform for digital credit for individuals and businesses around the world.


(Year 5)

Continue to innovate and lead the digital credit industry. Launch new products and services that further expand the utility and value of the Asteroid Credit blockchain and credit system. Become a major player in the global financial ecosystem.


(Year 6)

Continue to grow and expand the Asteroid Credit platform and ecosystem globally. Launch new products and services that further revolutionize the way we get and use credit. Become a household name in the digital credit industry.


(Year 7)

Continue to innovate and lead the digital credit industry. Launch new products and services that further expand the utility and value of the Asteroid Credit blockchain and credit system in new and uncharted ways. Become a major player in the global financial ecosystem, offering a wide range of financial services to individuals and businesses around the world.


(Year 8)

Continue to grow and expand the Asteroid Credit platform and ecosystem globally. Launch new products and services that further revolutionize the way we get and use credit. Become a household name in the digital credit industry, synonymous with innovation, security, and convenience.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is cryptocurrency?

The frequently asked questions (“FAQs”) below expand upon the examples provided in Notice 2014-21 and apply those same longstanding tax principles to additional situations.

How do I determine if my gain or loss is a short-term or long-term capital gain or loss?

The frequently asked questions (“FAQs”) below expand upon the examples provided in Notice 2014-21 and apply those same longstanding tax principles to additional situations.

What is cryptocurrency?

The frequently asked questions (“FAQs”) below expand upon the examples provided in Notice 2014-21 and apply those same longstanding tax principles to additional situations.

Will I recognize a gain or loss when I sell my virtual currency for real currency?

The frequently asked questions (“FAQs”) below expand upon the examples provided in Notice 2014-21 and apply those same longstanding tax principles to additional situations.

Will I recognize a gain or loss when I sell my virtual currency for real currency?

The frequently asked questions (“FAQs”) below expand upon the examples provided in Notice 2014-21 and apply those same longstanding tax principles to additional situations.

How do I determine my basis in virtual currency I purchased with real currency?

The frequently asked questions (“FAQs”) below expand upon the examples provided in Notice 2014-21 and apply those same longstanding tax principles to additional situations.

How do I determine if my gain or loss is a short-term or long-term capital gain or loss?

The frequently asked questions (“FAQs”) below expand upon the examples provided in Notice 2014-21 and apply those same longstanding tax principles to additional situations.

How do I determine my basis in virtual currency I purchased with real currency?

The frequently asked questions (“FAQs”) below expand upon the examples provided in Notice 2014-21 and apply those same longstanding tax principles to additional situations.

Words from the CEO

We work hard for you


King Asteroid


This amazing credit ecosystem just isn't any type of credit system; these credits carry our family name, and we promise to treat you just like family when you own Asteroids. Because of you, we are committed to being just as valuable as the Asteroids in space.

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